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The Effects of Obesity on Older Adults

Lisa Reisman • Aug 28, 2019

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The Effects of Obesity on Older Adults

Obesity in the elderly is a growing health issue. The effects of obesity in older adults are quite concerning and may cause a loved one to develop severe health complications.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that one-third of Americans adults are obese. 29.7% of seniors aged 65 and older are obese in the state of Georgia. We’ll go over what makes obesity so prevalent in our society and ways to improve health despite obesity.
What Is Obesity?
Your body absorbs nutrients from the food you eat. The nutrients that don’t get used as energy throughout your daily activities are then stored as fat. When we gain weight, our fat cells get bigger because we don’t end up burning the extra lipids. Instead, the lipids become stored in the fat cell, enlarging it. Obesity is a dangerous excess of fat.
Adipose tissue is an important endocrine organ that stores fat and helps to regulate metabolism. Adipose tissue surrounds organs, providing cushion to protect them from physical injuries. Your adipose tissue communicates with your brain by sending and receiving messages through hormones. When your body has too much adipose tissue, that communication is impaired. Health complications arise such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or stroke. Your loved one could eventually develop any of these diseases if he or she is obese.
Causes of Obesity
So what causes obesity? There are various reasons why a person may become obese: genetic disposition, socioeconomic background, overeating because of stress, inactivity, and mental health issues.
One of the main causes of obesity is genetic predisposition. If your family has a history of obesity, then your loved one naturally has a higher risk of becoming obese as well. Of course, environmental factors and lifestyle choices add to the risk of obesity.
Socioeconomic Background
Socioeconomic background plays a key role in a person’s diet. Those with a smaller income may not make enough money or have enough time to buy healthier, unprocessed options at the grocery store. Thus, they might be more inclined to grab quick, cheap, high-calorie foods. Encourage your loved ones to buy fresh fruit and vegetables which can also be inexpensive.
Many of us are guilty of stress eating when times get difficult. However, this is not a healthy way to deal with stress because although we think of it as a one-time cheat, stressful situations may last a few days, weeks, or months. Stress eating can turn into a habit and cause your loved one to gain more and more weight.
Lack of Activity
Physical inactivity can also lead to obesity. Exercise burns calories, so it helps to keep your heart and lungs healthy. Excess adipose tissue tightens and hardens the arteries, weakening your cardiovascular system.
Mental Health Issues
Mental health issues like depression can make your loved one become obese. Inactivity correlates to a lower serotonin level, and a low serotonin level can cause depression. Also, obesity can cause low self-esteem. Your loved one may feel like he can’t change the way he looks because of his weight, which can make him feel helpless.
Dangers of Obesity
Why is obesity a problem? As already mentioned, obesity leads to physical health problems. Obesity can hinder your loved one’s performance of important daily routines. Obesity is like a vicious circle. Without exercise, your loved one will gain weight. At the same time, obesity makes it difficult to exercise because the body is sluggish and has lost muscle mass, making it hard to exercise.
Obesity raises blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels over time, which puts your loved one at risk for heart disease and a stroke. Additionally, obesity increases insulin resistance, so the body has a harder time converting blood sugar levels into energy. Obesity speeds up the possibility of developing type 2 diabetes. Carrying around more weight than your body can easily carry deteriorates tissue around joints, causing severe pain in the back, knee, and hip regions; ultimately resulting in osteoarthritis. But by pairing exercise and healthy eating, your elderly loved one can reduce the health problems associated with obesity.
Measures of Obesity
A simple way to figure out if your loved one is or is at risk of becoming obese is to use a BMI calculator.
Body Mass Index (BMI) measures the percentage of body fat an individual has based on her weight and height. Once your loved one’s BMI is calculated, you can look at a BMI graph which indicates if he is underweight, normal, overweight, or obese.
Underweight = <18.5
Healthy weight = 18.5-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
Obese = > 30
Finding out your loved one’s BMI is a good place to start when trying to assess his risk of obesity. Having a conversation with your healthcare provider about your loved one’s health would be the best step to take.
Ways to Fight Obesity
Nutritional guidance
Modifying diet is crucial to fighting obesity. Help your loved one stop eating prepackaged microwaveable dinners and processed foods because they tend to contain too much sodium. Eating processed meals or fast food once a week can harm your health. Teach your loved one how to cook easy, healthier meals at home.
In addition, encourage your loved one to train her mind to cope with emotional stress a different way, instead of picking up a comfort food when a situation is too stressful. Meditation, yoga, or a warm bath can help to solve their issue. Have an open dialogue with your loved one to make sure his emotional needs are met.
Daily activities are hard to perform when the body can’t support itself. Exercising will help your loved one to lose weight and strengthen her bones.
Becoming comfortable with exercising is a process. At first, it will be hard to exercise after being inactive for a long time. Support your loved one by engaging in exercise with him and prioritizing the strength and health of his body and not just his appearance.
Here are a few simple ways you and your loved one can burn some calories:
You can lose around 300 calories just by strolling through the park for an hour.
Gardening can burn about 334 calories.
Grocery shopping for an hour can burn around 130 calories.
Depending on body weight, shopping at the mall can burn 200 or more calories in an hour.
An easy exercise for older adults, Tai Chi, burns about 356 calories for a person who weighs 185 pounds. 
Even knitting can burn up to 500 calories.
In between watching her favorite TV shows, encourage your loved one to take a walk around the house or the neighborhood to decrease these old sedentary habits.
New Beginnings
Change is hard, especially if your loved one has lived a certain way for a long time. Breaking old habits and initiating new habits is easier said than done. However, with the help of a support system, you can help your loved one to reverse and prevent the effects of obesity.
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No matter what age, we all have moments of confusion. But when your elderly loved one is consistently exhibiting these signs, it might be because s/he is undergoing cognitive impairment. Having difficulty comprehending is a common sign these problems; however, it is often brushed aside as "old age." The person experiencing these difficulties may make excuses: the TV shows today are too complicated, their family members talk too fast, the lights are too dim to read. Ignoring the signs of comprehension difficulties, though, just make life harder for everyone involved. Comprehension and Confusion Comprehension is the opposite of confusion. Comprehension is a complex process in the brain through a system of nerves and chemicals, and it involves language, recognition, and function processes. Cognitive impairment disorders like dementia and Alzheimer's disrupt those complex processes. It can manifest as sudden memory loss, impaired motor coordination, and other more subtle thought processes that we will discuss. When someone has difficulty with comprehension, s/he has trouble putting together the various actions needed to perform a task. For example, your mom might need a cup from the cupboard. In order to do so, she must first decide she wants the cup. Then she might need to get out of her chair, walk across the kitchen, raise her hand, open the cupboard, and take the cup out of the cupboard. If she has difficulty with comprehension, she will have a hard time putting all of these elements to work to achieve her goal, which might result in several different outcomes: she could fall, break the cup, or just forget what she was doing before she reaches the cupboard. She knows what she wants to do but has trouble making all the connections necessary to get there. How Cognitive Impairment Affects Your Loved One Difficulty comprehending is frustrating for your elderly loved one and for you, but the first step toward helping your loved one is understanding what s/he is experiencing. Here are some examples of how someone with dementia or Alzheimer's disease might have trouble comprehending everyday situations. TV/books: Someone with dementia might not be able to follow a basic storyline and could not tell somebody else what is going on in the TV show or book. Social situations: Someone with dementia might see two children playing and interpret that they are fighting or vice versa. The person with dementia may step in and try to resolve the situation without realizing what is actually happening. Conversations: As with the TV/book example, someone with dementia can't follow an everyday conversation . S/he doesn't know who or what is being discussed and especially cannot tell when the subject matter has changed. Time: Someone with trouble comprehending will have difficulty telling time and might not know whether it is day or night. How Cognitive Impairment Affects You Because of these comprehension difficulties, the person experiencing dementia or Alzheimer's disease will rely on the people around him/her to tell him/her what is going on. For instance, your loved one may constantly ask you to repeat yourself. S/he may also have trouble following instructions. These situations can be aggravating for you, particularly if they are new, however it is important to understand that your loved one is not trying to bother you by failing to follow directions or asking you to repeat information over and over. These are symptoms of cognitive impairment , and neither you nor they can control it. If your family member begins to exhibit any of these signs, take him or her to your physician with a description of the comprehension difficulties you've noticed so that s/he has plenty of information for a cognitive function assessment. If the doctor diagnoses dementia or Alzheimer's, ask specific questions about treatment so that you can do your part to serve your loved one despite mild cognitive impairment. It is important to get help for your loved one, and there is no reason for you to care for your loved one alone. Caring for an aging relative requires time, patience, and expert care. Complete Care At Home can help you create a customized plan to meet the unique needs of your loved one with dementia or Alzheimer's disease. Contact us today for an expert assessment.
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