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3 Tips to Keep Dad Safe From Injury in His Home

Lisa Reisman • Aug 28, 2019

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3 Must-Haves to Keep Dad Safe in His Home

Living just a couple of hours from mom or dad used to be fine. You could easily visit on weekends and you didn’t have to hop on an airplane during holidays. The distance even provided important balance in your relationship with your parents.
Now, however, dad is alone and although he seems to be independent—after all, he is only 75—it just feels like it’s too far away. You worry if he doesn’t answer the phone. How do you ensure his safety at home when your home is somewhere else? “Where is he?” you think. “Is he okay?” You find yourself trying to subtly influence him not to do things that you know he enjoys because you have become very aware of the possible risks. “Why does dad have to go to the community center to play poker?” you ask yourself. “Why can’t he just stay home and play poker on the computer?”
And then there's the time that he filled the bird feeder. That really upset you because that meant that he had climbed up a ladder. "What was he thinking?" And even though you know that dad loves watching the finches and cardinals fly around the feeder, you’re mad at him for taking the risk. And you’re mad at yourself for wishing that he had waited until you came for the weekend. Maybe you should have hired the handyman dad knows from church to come over and fill the bird feeder. “But what would that have cost?”
If you have these conversations with yourself, you’re not alone. Senior safety is a concern for all of us. In fact, if you’re a Baby Boomer, chances are good that some part of your brain is always mulling over what your parents are doing and, more importantly, how they’re doing. According to Salon, “This has become the baby boom generation’s latest and, in some ways, most agonizing life crisis: what to do when the parents who once took care of you can no longer take care of themselves.”
The truth is that there is no way to shrink the 100 miles or so between your house and dad’s to a more manageable 10 or 15 miles. The further truth, at least as seen by Lillian Rubin, the author of Sixty On Up: The Truth About Aging In America, is that, “Most adult children actively worry about their aging parents often well before their parents need any help.” 
That said, no one knows your father better than you do, so it’s important for you to figure out how best to help him now, even if he doesn’t always need as much help as you think he does.
Plan a trip home. Tell dad that you want to refill the bird feeder and take him out for breakfast. Your mission? You're going to the local home-and-garden store to do some power shopping. Now that you're armed with some simple home safety tips for seniors, you're about to take some easy but essential steps to lessen your father’s risk of injury or accident in his own home:
1. Install smoke detectors and CO2 detectors on every floor of the house. 
If the existing detectors are more than a few years old, replace all of them. Look for interconnectable detectors. Interconnectable detectors have a wireless feature that activates all of the detectors, even if only one of them is triggered. Many have voice modules that indicate where the smoke, fire, or CO2 is likely located. If installed and programmed correctly, regardless of the level of the home that your dad is in, all of the detectors will signal that there’s danger. 
2. Install fire extinguishers in the entryway of every main area. 
It’s important to place fire extinguishers in doorways and other entryways. Unless the fire is a very small one that someone can easily extinguish, the best use of a fire extinguisher is to suppress the fire long enough to allow everyone in the home to get out. If the fire extinguisher is mounted at the doorway, it will be easy to access, and adds a visual reminder to get out immediately.
Pick an extinguisher size that can be readily handled by the people most likely to be using it. A 10-pound extinguisher is usually fine for most homes. Get multi-purpose extinguishers, and make sure that dad knows how to use them. Household extinguishers of the type that you might buy in a home-and-garden store are classified as A, B, C, or a combination of these three. These indicate the types of fire—combustibles, flammables, liquids, or electrical—that the extinguisher can be used for. You and dad may even enjoy a trip to the local fire station for a quick lesson on how to use them. 
3. Use nightlights. 
If you had kids of your own, you probably had them all over the house. But nightlights aren’t just for babies anymore. There is a vast variety of battery-powered nightlights with built-in motion sensors. You can even opt for nightlights with built-in photocells that will turn on at dusk and turn off at dawn automatically. Although the batteries will probably last a year or so, when you install the nightlights, use a Sharpie to write the date of the battery installation on the reverse side of the light housing. Change the batteries a year later, regardless.
Taking care of these three items is a really good start. But in the ensuing months and years, you will have additional concerns about how to keep your dad both independent and safe. At Complete Care At Home, we are passionate about caregiving that keeps your loved one safe, while still respecting his independence. If you would like to start planning for the future now, please contact us for how to care for your loved one as his needs change.
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No matter what age, we all have moments of confusion. But when your elderly loved one is consistently exhibiting these signs, it might be because s/he is undergoing cognitive impairment. Having difficulty comprehending is a common sign these problems; however, it is often brushed aside as "old age." The person experiencing these difficulties may make excuses: the TV shows today are too complicated, their family members talk too fast, the lights are too dim to read. Ignoring the signs of comprehension difficulties, though, just make life harder for everyone involved. Comprehension and Confusion Comprehension is the opposite of confusion. Comprehension is a complex process in the brain through a system of nerves and chemicals, and it involves language, recognition, and function processes. Cognitive impairment disorders like dementia and Alzheimer's disrupt those complex processes. It can manifest as sudden memory loss, impaired motor coordination, and other more subtle thought processes that we will discuss. When someone has difficulty with comprehension, s/he has trouble putting together the various actions needed to perform a task. For example, your mom might need a cup from the cupboard. In order to do so, she must first decide she wants the cup. Then she might need to get out of her chair, walk across the kitchen, raise her hand, open the cupboard, and take the cup out of the cupboard. If she has difficulty with comprehension, she will have a hard time putting all of these elements to work to achieve her goal, which might result in several different outcomes: she could fall, break the cup, or just forget what she was doing before she reaches the cupboard. She knows what she wants to do but has trouble making all the connections necessary to get there. How Cognitive Impairment Affects Your Loved One Difficulty comprehending is frustrating for your elderly loved one and for you, but the first step toward helping your loved one is understanding what s/he is experiencing. Here are some examples of how someone with dementia or Alzheimer's disease might have trouble comprehending everyday situations. TV/books: Someone with dementia might not be able to follow a basic storyline and could not tell somebody else what is going on in the TV show or book. Social situations: Someone with dementia might see two children playing and interpret that they are fighting or vice versa. The person with dementia may step in and try to resolve the situation without realizing what is actually happening. Conversations: As with the TV/book example, someone with dementia can't follow an everyday conversation . S/he doesn't know who or what is being discussed and especially cannot tell when the subject matter has changed. Time: Someone with trouble comprehending will have difficulty telling time and might not know whether it is day or night. How Cognitive Impairment Affects You Because of these comprehension difficulties, the person experiencing dementia or Alzheimer's disease will rely on the people around him/her to tell him/her what is going on. For instance, your loved one may constantly ask you to repeat yourself. S/he may also have trouble following instructions. These situations can be aggravating for you, particularly if they are new, however it is important to understand that your loved one is not trying to bother you by failing to follow directions or asking you to repeat information over and over. These are symptoms of cognitive impairment , and neither you nor they can control it. If your family member begins to exhibit any of these signs, take him or her to your physician with a description of the comprehension difficulties you've noticed so that s/he has plenty of information for a cognitive function assessment. If the doctor diagnoses dementia or Alzheimer's, ask specific questions about treatment so that you can do your part to serve your loved one despite mild cognitive impairment. It is important to get help for your loved one, and there is no reason for you to care for your loved one alone. Caring for an aging relative requires time, patience, and expert care. Complete Care At Home can help you create a customized plan to meet the unique needs of your loved one with dementia or Alzheimer's disease. Contact us today for an expert assessment.
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