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Osteoporosis Prevention and Ways to Improve Bone Health

Lisa Reisman • Aug 28, 2019

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Osteoporosis: Ways to Improve Bone Health

At least one-third of women and one-fifth of men above the age of 50 will suffer from osteoporosis. Many people are unaware that they have osteoporosis because the changes occur so gradually that there are virtually no symptoms in the early stages. Too often, people only notice osteoporosis after experiencing an osteoporotic fracture. We’ll explain how to determine if your loved one is at risk for osteoporosis and how to prevent osteoporosis.
What Is Osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is a condition of extremely low bone density, which makes bones more prone to fractures and breaks. A bone density test can determine whether your loved one’s bone density is normal, low, or osteoporotic:
A score of -1.0 or higher equates to a normal bone density.
A score of -1.0 to -2.5 equates to low bone density, which is also called osteopenia.
A score of -2.5 or lower equates to osteoporosis.
What Causes Osteoporosis?
Your body regenerates your cells and tissues to replace older materials with newer, healthier ones. Your body breaks down old bone tissue, which is called resorption, to create new bone, which is called formation.
As you age, it becomes more difficult for your body to form new bone tissue as quickly as it did when you were younger. Since your bones cannot produce new bone tissue as quickly as old bone tissue breaks down, you naturally begin to lose bone mass. Your bones have small pores, and as you lose bone tissue, those pores widen, weakening your bones and making them more brittle.
Osteoporosis is common among the elderly and is often hereditary. Studies show that women–especially Asian and Caucasian women—are more susceptible to osteoporosis because they naturally have less bone density compared to other demographic groups. For women, bone density tends to decrease at a rate of 2.5% per year after the age of 51 due to lessened levels of estrogen after menopause.
The US Preventive Services Task Force strongly advises that all women get a bone density test by age 65. We encourage you to begin thinking of this at the onset of menopause, around age 50, to see your individual susceptibility to osteopenia or osteoporosis.
How Can Osteoporosis Be Treated?
Similar to many illnesses, healthy lifestyle choices can help you and your loved ones to prevent osteoporosis. Even if your loved one already has severe symptoms of osteoporosis, you can help them to improve their condition by changing dietary habits, engaging in exercise, and taking supplements.
Dietary Guidelines
Making health-conscious food choices will facilitate resorption, preventing osteoporosis. The two most important nutrients for bone health are calcium and Vitamin D. Our bones are made primarily of calcium, so eating calcium-enriched foods helps your bone tissue to form. Vitamin D breaks the calcium down for your bones to absorb. Calculate exactly how much calcium your loved one should consume daily through this calcium calculator. The average woman should consume 1,200 milligrams per day, and the average man should consume 1,000 milligrams per day. As for Vitamin D, the average person between the ages of 50 and 70 should consume 600 milligrams per day.
Dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt are rich in calcium, making them great foods to fight osteoporosis. Some non-dairy foods high in calcium include almonds, dark leafy greens, tofu, and sardines. Additionally, meats, nuts, and green vegetables such as salmon, eggs, beans, sesame seeds, and spinach are foods high in magnesium, which helps your bone tissue to harden and strengthen. They are also high in protein, which develops your muscles to support your body. You can also consider adding calcium supplements and vitamins to your diet to give it a boost.
There are plenty of simple ways to take action and improve your bone health through exercise. The idea of undergoing an exercise plan, especially after a long period of stagnation, might intimidate your loved one, but you can assure them that there are safe exercises that can strengthen their muscles and bones. For those with younger, healthier bones, you can maintain your bone health by incorporating more intense workouts into your routine. If you or your loved ones already have osteopenia or osteoporosis, start with lower impact exercises. Practicing agility, strength, and flexibility will help your senior loved one to prevent falls. You should create a routine involving these three types of exercise:
Weight-bearing: exercises in which your lower body supports your weight
High-impact exercises: jogging, hiking
Low-impact exercise: walking, elliptical, step-stair machine exercises, treadmill, dance aerobic exercises
Resistance: exercises in which your body resists against another object or force
High-resistance exercises: Lifting weights, elastic band exercises
Low-resistance exercises: swimming
Flexibility: exercising your joints by training them to be more pliable
High intensity: yoga
Low intensity: light stretching
You should consult with a doctor before beginning any sort of exercise program and always make sure to do exercises correctly and safely. Aim for 30 minutes of exercise per day, but don’t worry if it takes some training to work up to that point.
Things to Avoid
There is a strong negative relationship between smoking and bone density. In addition to the health risks to your lungs and heart, smoking correlates to an increased risk of osteoporosis. If your loved one smokes, even after many years, they can counteract those effects by quitting. Encourage your loved one to quit smoking today.
The occasional drink is fine, but excessive alcohol intake negatively impacts the balance of calcium and balance in general, increasing the risk of falls. Pay attention to your loved one’s drinking habits and encourage them to drink more water, juice, and milk.
While some medicines can help to promote bone strength—including Fosamax, Actonel, Boniva, and Reclast—other medications like steroids and anticonvulsants can cause bones to deteriorate more quickly. Talk to your doctor about the side effects and risks of these medications to discuss the best ways to promote your bone health despite their side effects.
It’s never too early to think about how to prevent osteoporosis in your life and never too late to improve the health of your bones. Hopefully, now you are better equipped to understand and support the challenges your loved one faces with age.
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